I was looking around my posts today (December 14th, 2009) and noticed that I had one unpublished one. I began writing it on 5/23/08. Would you like to see it? It doesn't matter. I'm still going to show you:
jar of jellybeans on the counter.
note: do not eat jellybeans before dinner!
girl comes in
[end post]
Being that this is the only post I had even come close to writing in 2008, I guess you could say it sums up my existence during that year. I didn't even publish it. What a great year for my blog. What a great year for my life. Maybe now you understand why I felt the need to publish this worthless garbage: so that you would feel sorry for me and how pathetic I am.
I do not have the slightest idea where I was going with this post. Is this story about the jelly beans something that actually happened in my life, or was it fictional? What was the girl going to do when she entered the room? What would happen to her if she were to eat the jelly beans before dinner? I really don't know so do us both a favor and stop wondering. We'll never know, okay? I don't remember. I don't know anything! For all I know, jelly beans don't even exist.
There. Now I have produced something to represent an entire calendar year for which this blog was in a comatose state, were that possible.
I hope you're happy.