A few years ago, I was over at a friend's house. He, being a classic rock lover, and I, being a classic fool, had a conversation that went something like this:
Friend: Blah, blah, blah, blah, guitars, blah blah blahhhhh, music, blah blah BLhaaHAhaHAHa, Axl Rose, blah blah bliggity blah blah blah.
Carsten: Who's Axl Rose, again?
Friend: WHAT? You don't know who AXL ROSE is? GUNS N' ROSES?.... I DATED YOU??? [Slew of expletives.]
Carsten: I'm... Sorry?
The next day, I was hangin' out with my Pops, watchin' TV and eatin' food and what not. OUR conversation went something like this:
Pops: Carst, I had the strangest dream last night!
Carsten: Oh yeah, Pops? What about?
Pops: I dreamt that you didn't know who Axl Rose was.... weird!
Carsten: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
My friend and my father do not communicate and I had not told anyone about the conversation from the previous night. To my knowledge, nobody had seen any documentaries on Guns N' Roses in the recent past, and my friend lives far enough away from my parents' house as to render eavesdropping from across the expanse physically impossible.
So.... basically, my dad can read minds. Just like my sister. It's the only feasible explanation.
All that to say, I now know exactly this many more things about Axl Rose than I did before: One. (He is from Guns N' Roses).
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