About a week ago, I decided I should go for a walk in a park I had never been to before. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I had "
yelped" this park prior to visiting it. The HORRIFIC reviews it received only enticed me. I became curious as to whether a place as terrible as the one described by the Yelpers could actually exist.
It does.
Immediately upon arriving at this "park," I noted that the "grass" was brown and the "water" was the color grass
should be. The severely destroyed and uneven walking path would have mangled the wheels on my rollerblades (a very important detail I always scope out when exploring a new park.) Yelp had also mentioned that there would be homeless people a plenty but I would hardly call them homeless considering the nice set ups they had going on what with tents and furniture and what not. More like permanent park residents.

***Side note: there was this adorable, shy little turtle. So the place has that going for it. ------->
After snapping up a photo of that preciousness, I continued hesitantly around the lake. By the way, there is only ONE lake despite being named "TWIN Lakes Freedom Park." Talk about a let down. That's only 50% of what I was promised!
I was wallowing in my disappointment when all of a sudden, a man began to approach me at a much quicker pace than is socially acceptable for a strange man to approach a female alone in a park.
"Can I ask you a question?" he said, trying to catch up to me.
I wondered to myself, ever so briefly, whether there was a question in the world I would want to be asked by him.
There's not.
"No," I replied, still briskly walking in the opposite direction.
"Just one question!" he was not dissuaded.
"I don't have any money!" I exclaimed, my walk turning into a jog.
He sped up his pace to match mine. "That's not what I was gonna ask. I was gonna ask if you'd let me buy you a drink."
"No, thanks." Running now. (It should be noted that it is not often that I turn down free alcohol.)
"Aw, c'mon! I don't see no ring on your finger!" he said.
"Good point. Pick me up at 7," I didn't say.
Looking back on it, this poor guy was probably just a parolee who wanted to see what a foot pursuit was like from this new perspective. Perhaps it is the fact that this place is where they turn felons loose that puts the "Freedom" in "Twin Lakes Freedom Park".... But that's neither here nor there.
What WAS there was "Park Patrol"! The cute little wanna-be cop car zoomed up right in front of us, as if out of some terribly boring film where this constituted an action scene.
"Is this guy bothering you?" Mr. Park Patrol asked me.
I thought the answer was pretty obvious based on the fact that I was being CHASED. So as not to offend my suitor/murderer who was still several paces behind me, I responded non-verbally. My facial expression said to Mr. Park Patrol, "YES I AM BEING BOTHERED" and then my mouth said to him, "This isn't a very nice park...." and then my feet walked the hell out of there.
When I had gotten at least half a mile away, I was still looking over my shoulder and keeping up a quick pace. I was suddenly startled when the driver of a passing vehicle yelled out to me because I was 97% certain that I was about to become the victim of a drive by. Let me tell you, it is in that brief moment just after thinking you are going to be shot dead that having drinks with a creepy man seems preeeeeetty tolerable. But I didn't die! It was just Mr. Park Patrol yelling out his window like a fool, assuring me that he "took care of everything" back at the park. Whatever that means, I care less than I know. But good job, Mr. Park Patrol. Saving the world one dateless, ringless woman at a time.
You can rest assured that when I write up my Yelp review, I'll merely be posting a link to this very blog post.
Twin Lakes Freedom Park is NOT Leslie Knope approved.